This yarn is called "Audacity" and I felt filled with hope while knitting it.
Also, this tam was really fun and easy to knit! It's kind of cool to realize I'm at a knitting point where I still get to buy new needles, but also have some basic supplies. (Circular and dp size sixes and dp size 5s.) However, whoa, the rib with this yarn looks weird. And, also.....
I look kinda dumb in hats! Alas. I have decided what to do next with this happy making yarn though. Stayed tuned...
I beg to differ on the "look kinda dumb in hats" comment. I can just see you wearing that baby to the polls. Or campaigning. And being the envy of everyone!
Do you mean that you have yarn leftover to make something else or that you are frogging the tam to reuse the yarn? I am worried for the fate of the tam!
I am probably going to frog it. I feel bad for the tam too, but it just doesn't work. I'm thinking about going with the caliormetry, which I have made before.
Unless you have another suggestion.... ?
what in the world is a tam and what does any of this have to do with frogs? I don't really want to know, I'm confused enough in beginning crochet world. The hat looks good, I'm a fan of the audacious colors.
A tam is a floppy hat.
Frogging means ripping out your work. Because if you say "rip it! rip it!" you begin to sound like a frog. I don't know who does this. HEB?
that's funny, now I'm saying rip it to myself out loud multiple times to get the effect. Good thing I live alone.
RJ - I just laughed out loud at the thought of you saying rip it over and over aloud to yourself. Hope you're adjusting well to NY.
NY is good so far. i saw the lam downtown, but still need to make it up to your digs at some point.
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